About Power Engineering
- PEC Building - 1985
- PEC Shop - 1985
- PEC Skyline - 1985
- Pollution Control - 2006
simply the best!
Since 1958, Power Engineering Company has been the name which means quality and service in remanufactured crankshafts. Experience and leadership in industrial hard chrome plating goes into every remanufactured crankshaft produced. Nearly fifty highly skilled employees work at our specially designed and constructed 63,000 square foot facility in Denver Colorado.
Hard chrome plating adds years of life to worn and damaged crankshafts. Power Engineering’s chrome plating process builds up all bearing surfaces on the crankshaft with one of the hardest plating materials developed. Chromium is a reliable, long lasting metal which resists galling seizing and abrasions. Worn oil seal areas, gear fits and pulley fits are chromed and ground.
Quality workmanship and unsurpassed service are the cornerstones which have enabled Power Engineering to build a world class reputation. That\’s why we say- simply the best!
Power Engineering History
- Original Facility - 1960s
- Trade Show - 1960s
- Power Truck - 1992
- Power Truck - 2005
Power Engineering Company was incorporated on December 1, 1958 and focused on Industrial Hard Chrome Remanufactured Crankshafts. We originally occupied a 12,000 square foot building, in Denver Colorado, equally divided between hard chrome plating and machine shop divisions. We soon began expanding our product line and increased our floor space to include remanufactured camshafts and connecting rods.
As our sales volume grew and as our customers required larger crankshafts, we felt the need to increase our plating, machining and overhead lifting capabilities. In 1976, we purchased a 42,000 square foot facility, also in Denver Colorado. Starting in 1978, we began expanding our facility eastward by 18,000 square feet to house our new welding, heat treating, warehouse and shipping departments.
Throughout the 1990s we continued to upgrade our hard chrome plating department by increasing our tank sizes and lifting capabilities. We added chromic acid purification equipment and upgrades to our chemistry lab in order to maintain optimum plating tank chemistry. With our commitment to a clean environment, from 2000 to 2006 we upgraded our pollution control and ventilation systems to include a 3,000 square foot building to house four new air scrubbers with a combined capacity of over 100,000 cubic feet per minute.
As we continue to grow, we add new machinery and equipment to improve and expand our services and capacities. This year we began installing an extra heavy-duty crankshaft balancing machine to upgrade our crankshaft balancing department. We have always endeavored to create the finest manufacturing facility possible for producing our superior product line. Our experience, along with the combined experience of our staff remains our most valuable asset.